History of
the centre


I am always doing thatwhich I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it

Pablo Picasso

Throughout history,learning a language other than one's mother tongue, has been taking a greateffort for the learner.

Most teaching techniques have been based on rote learning of endless lists of verbs and nouns. As a result, students' interest and motivation have been slowly disappearing. The studying has become a tedious process, where students ended up forgetting everything they had previously learnt because of the unconscious rejection they had developed during this forced studying. Also, there are well known methods that promote learning based on a single textbook, in overcrowded classrooms, where the personal needs and particularities of the student are not being considered.

Our classes with up to 6 students are very dynamic, focused on practicing spoken language, so that, from the first day, students can feel that they are progressing in the language.

By the way, Altolevel is famous for its friendly environment where students can develop their skills and build linguistic capabilities to deal with the real situations of their everyday lives. We offer different approaches and didactics, designed for the personal needs of each individual.

We offer different approaches and didactics tailored to the individual needs of each person.

We have group lessons, as well as individual and couples classes, both face-to-face and online. We have a flexible schedule, so students can always find a suitable study option.

We take a holistic approach to language learning.

At Altolevel, we see Spanish and English as a great tool for introducing Spanish and English culture, and for this reason we employ only highly qualified teachers who specialize in the language and its various aspects. In addition to love for their work, our teachers also have a huge professional and personal experience, which allows them to show the student different points of view on language learning.

Convenient time for you

We are open daily from 9.00 to 21.00, and are even ready to open on weekends if our students have such a need.

Altolevel - Spanish language school

Мы также преподаем и русский язык, как для русскоязычных, так и для тех, кто хочет его учить как иностранный, хотя, конечно - основной специализацией и отличительной особенностью нашей школы является фокус на преподавание испанского языка. Кроме
того, что это основной язык страны, где находится наша школа, это еще и второй по распространенности язык в мире, изучение которого никогда не помешает для развития карьеры, не говоря уже о бесценном опыте самостоятельных переводов песен Энрике
Иглесиаса для девочек и Хулио Иглесиаса - для девушек.

Spanish courses offered by our school


    The most popular format for learning Spanish at our school. Classes are held 3 times a week for 2 hours.


      Intensive group course. Classes are held 5 times a week for 2 hours


        Prefer to learn Spanish online? The Altolevel Spanish language school gives you the opportunity to learn Spanish online at your convenience from any city in the world.


          An opportunity to learn a language while discussing current topics with a native speaker and guests. You don't have to be a student of ours to participate.


            Individual classes allow you to improve your language level or start learning Spanish online from scratch. The program and timetable are individualized.


              Individual lessons with a native speaker are the fastest way to speak and overcome the language barrier. The program and schedule are individual.

              Our teachers

              Born in Soria, the heart of the Castilian language. Since she was a child she had a predilection for communication and teaching, graduating in Social Sciences and Communication from the University of the Basque Country.

              She began her career as a journalist in the most prestigious media in our country, such as Cadena Ser, COPE, among others. For years she worked in the media, being an all-round journalist. In fact, something she incorporates into her classes is this philosophy of teaching students how to communicate effectively. She combined her devotion to journalism with her real passion, which is teaching, as she directed different training projects.

              She trained in prestigious and leading centres such as the University of Salamanca, within the Germán Sánchez Foundation, where she obtained a degree in Event Organisation, Knowing how to be and Protocol, the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid and the Cervantes Institute where she obtained a double degree in teaching ELE and neurolinguistics. Specialising in teaching Spanish as a foreign language.

              As a result, students will have a teacher who has been trained in this area, with more than 10 years of experience training students of all nationalities with great results. Her students highlight her know-how, the support she gives them during their learning process and, above all, her friendliness and good work as a teacher. In addition to offering the best training in Spanish, her interest in the different types of intelligence, paying special attention to emotional intelligence, has led her to be able to adapt to students with all kinds of needs, and to learn how to create a safe environment for those students with great difficulties.

              Her curriculum and life experience are tremendously extensive as she is always looking for evolution in her work and in her life. Trinidad is a dynamic teacher with an interest in new trends in teaching. Your students will not only know how to communicate in Spanish from the beginning, but they will also have the security that they have one of the best teachers.


              Her interest in literature and history hasalways been quite remarkable. As a child, she managed to enter the Escuela de Jóvenes Escritores Andalucesfor future talents and had been studying there for several years.

              There she wastaught by the best writers: Clara Sánchez, Féliz J. Palma, Juan Madrid, amongothers. At the age of 18, she won one of the most important short story prizesin Andalusia in honour of Jorge Guillén and the national poetry prize"Ciudad de Huelva".  After winning several prizes and training inSpanish literature, she began to conduct workshops on literary creation. ThenJanire started with her degree in English Studies, while combining it with herwork as a teacher, creating writing workshops for the Agora Federation, theWomen's Institute, as well as participating in different information portalssuch as Wordpress.  

              Once she graduated, she became interested inan alternative type of teaching, obtaining the title of Montessori Guide. Thismethod taught her the importance of values, curiosity and the promotion of goodhabits for the student.  She focused herclasses on these techniques. She created the group Aniemotion, where literatureand theatre were encouraged in children. 

              She has worked in different Montessoriacademic centres, as an English and Spanish teacher. Her training in Spanishfor foreigners led her to obtain different Official Master Degrees and to be anofficial examiner for the Cervantes Institute. Therefore, she knows all thedifficulties that native students have with both languages. For more than 6years, she has been a teacher in differentlanguage centres. She did an International Master's Degree in English Studies,specialising in Literature.

              She worked as a teacher at San José de GuadalminaSchool and as an online private tutor.Her motivation for joining an AltoLevelLanguage Centre is the highly honourable philosophy that is promulgated. Wherethe student and their wellbeing is at the centre of everything that is done.The aim is to provide efficient and quality learning.

              For her, teaching andtransmitting the love of knowledge have always been a great vocation, as itmakes us freer. She particularly loves teaching Spanish, not because it is hermother tongue, but because she believes it is the language of literature. Soher students will embark with her on the most beautiful journey that exists,which is learning.


              Pilar is defined for being a charismatic and open person, her experience in customer service for years has  taught her how to communicate and understand the needs of the student. They will be able to express herself in a correct way.

              Not only that, she has the vital experience of living in other countries, being able to speak different languages (Italian, English, French...) fluently. Being an enterprising person, she was able to make her way in such a difficult  field as the events sector in Italy, working for the most exclusive companies, such as Louis Vuitton, Givenchy or Guerlain, so she knows what it is like to work with demanding people and, undoubtedly, she knows how to live up to it. In fact, students who need to learn from their own language in order to extrapolate the contents of Spanish, will find in Pilar a versatile teacher with great self-demands to be the teacher that the student needs.

              Her experience as a Spanish teacher is really extensive, with more than 15 years of experience in different centres. She is able to work both face-to-face and online, with different methods and perspectives. Ensuring the student a personalised experience focused on their individual development. Pilar is, without a doubt, a teacher who knows how to adapt to the new times while maintaining a didactic approach full of values and respect for the student.

              What is fascinating about this teacher is her facet in the world of cooking, which allows her to show her more didactic side in it as well. She has led different cooking courses in the well-known Aula Gastronómica Food Room in Guadalmina, starting from the basis of teaching Spanish. So the student will get the knowledge of the language with a teacher who seeks entertainment and diversity in her classes, making learning a really enjoyable process.


              I was born in Urales, a gloomy and cold area of Russia. Since I wasn't a big fan of cold climates, right after graduating from high school I left Ekaterinburg for good and moved to Moscow where immediately started to study.

              Anything, literally - philology, tourism, German, Spanish and English languages. Once I even was spotted in a web design class. The learning process was so fascinating that I didn't want to stop for quite a long time, till one day I realized it was time to share this rich baggage of accumulated knowledge. 

              Teaching real people right away was somehow scary, in spite of having previously obtained a university degree in Philology and Teaching.  So to start with something, I began to arrange educational  trips to Great Britain, Malta and Australia, at the same time getting involved in analysis of various methods and approaches to teaching English as a foreign language. At the language courses where I sent students, I studied myself.

              I went through everything on my own experience: I compared different programs and training plans, mastered different techniques and approaches. In the meantime, I was working as a private tuitor: one-on-one or in small groups, a maximum of three people. I truly believe it is the most convenient and efficient way to study foreign language. 

              For many different reasons, in 2016 I moved from Moscow to Spain, Costa del Sol, where the process of endless studying again fell into place. The result was the same as before - an overabundance of acquired knowledge and a bursting desire to share the "know how"  led to teaching again.

              This time it was Spanish. Despite extended experience in many different fields, teaching languages has always been and still remains my favorite occupation. 
              I am happy to be on the same wavelength with my colleagues in Altolevel Language Centre, as well as transmit my knowledge to others.

              Do you want to study at a modern Spanish and English school?Fill out the form and we will tell you when the next trial class will be and how to get there.

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